StartOrganic has been trusted to create gardening curricula for the companies below:

Twice Monthly Webinars

We give you the information you need BEFORE problems arise in your garden. It's so important to be PRO-Active instead of RE-Active when you're growing your own food!

Individual Attention

Your questions are important to us! Email [email protected] and we'll be here to help you all season long!

Group Dynamics

Bounce your ideas, past triumphs, and failures off of us! StartOrganic monitors and responds to this group often to be sure you have answers to your important questions.


You can also get this course for FREE as part of our BUNDLE

Check it out HERE before you buy ;)

Example Curriculum

The curriculum block is dynamic. As you add curriculum to your course, you'll see it automatically populate here.


We are StartOrganic Co-Founders: Troy Smothermon & Josh Levine

In 2010, We co-founded StartOrganic. In that time we have built thousands of vegetable gardens, taught years of home gardening lessons and have created comprehensive gardening courses for organizations like: PayPal, Intuit, Tesla, IBM, LinkedIn, Stanford University, and many more. We teach organic gardening to make it easily digestible for everyone while making sure that all of the crucial information is thoroughly explained. We want YOU to start growing today!

My First Garden

The first time I tried to grow vegetables it was a total failure. I chose the wrong plants, didn't prepare my soil properly with amendments, and I wasn't AT ALL prepared for pest problems or plant diseases.

Birds ate my young seedlings (that I never should have direct sewed in the first place). Rodents ate my young broccoli because I didn't know to cover them. I planted too late and the first frost of the year stunted most of my plants. AND, what I did harvest tasted like wood because I waited too long to pick it.

I'm not proud of that first year but YOU don't have to repeat my mistakes. We built this course to take the guessing game out of Gardening.

Now, eating from my garden regularly is my FAVORITE way to start my day. My absolute favorite veggie to grow at home is Broccoli. It tastes SO DIFFERENT than when you buy it from the store. I want you to learn from my mistakes (and the mistakes of thousands of my clients) and grow your BEST garden this year!